Sunday, June 16, 2013

Know when to go

Sometimes you have to know when to go. We've all been there sometime in your career you work at a job where it got a little hairy so to speak. I guess kind of like losing your way and no matter how hard you try just can't seem to get right it seems like once the waters on it just every drop in the bucket until the bucket feels like it's overflowing You become so miserable and focused on the things that the problems that have happened that you completely miss things that are just obvious. Then it becomes like a bad relationship almost abusive relationship and it gets to the point where your self esteem is so low that you feel that there's nothing else better out there for you. Sometimes you just got a job he got to believe in yourself know that you're good and you you have integrity and just go for a new job you might just feel a sense of freedom excitement happiness and. Get a new start on life love nursing and job

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


They smile in your face

Misery loves company and spreads faster than c-diff. U could be having a great day and ready to have a great shift ... Then the nurse working with you starts in about so n so said... And this pay sucks and I can't get enough hours ... Or my ex did such n such.. God next thing you know ur shift is ruined and u yourself has a bad attitude about life...
That's totally not fair...
So for the nurse that hates life there ex there hair there job there pay do your fellow nurse a favor shoot your self in the face and die bitching about the hole it made. Cuz some of us don't care and don't want to be raped by your negativity.... Just saying

Thanks, a good spirited nurse

Monday, April 1, 2013

Funny nursing pics

Here are a couple : check back from time to time ill add em when I find them or u send them to me @

Do you have ur phone on you?

Cell phone policy? Or bull crap

We have all heard the story of the cna that took a picture of a resident and was at a restaurant and was looking at it and making fun of the person and the residents loved on was sitting behind her and saw / heard the cna and saw the picture... I've heard this story at 2 diff facility's whoa what a coincident.
Have u heard this one?? Most of us have smart phones with drug books and ICD-9 codes there are nursing apps everywhere.. In this day and age we email txt and call doctors
I mean with foreign doctors its Easier to receive orders via txt then try to decipher ones writing or verbal orders.. So hey corp lets back off of the cell phone issue... We have come to need our androids and iPhones like a stethoscope.. Don't hate on us because u have to use a Blackberry...

Why does it rain on your day off

The schedule can predict a shitty
Day better than the weather man

Ok you have worked 3 12 hr shifts on and off for 5 days now you have 3 days off in a row... Have u ever noticed that on the first day off it rains the second it sleets and the
3 rd day it snows!!! And now u go back to work driving in it... And by the end of the day it's sunny... Does this happen to us all or just me?

Oh u got jokes

U are a nurse when:

Ur checking out some stranger and think to ur self I can so hit that .. But ur actually thinking of there veins

When u go to the restroom and u have analyze every thing and then develope a plan of care

When u teach ur child the ABC 's and they fail ( ohhh )

When u worry about someone not voiding in 8 hrs when u barley pee in 12

U get pissed off at person dressing up as a nurse making more money than u make in a week of doing it.

Ur ring/ text tone sounds like a call light so u don't get caught

The med room becomes the new phone booth... Txt u later.. After the Office staff leave

They stole my shoes

How dare they take our shoes??

Crocks.... The ugliest shoes ever made.. Of course marketed to the nurse.
So when they were like 100 bucks a peice we bought em...
Then what happened now they are sold at the dollar store and they have become the choice shoe of every NASCAR FAN ... Funny to us we can't even wear the damn things at work... Cuz they cause injury... Maybe NASCAR should band them to keep the fans safe..... Just saying
What's next LiL Wayne wearing a platinum littman??? Thoughts???


Just a lpn
2words and 3 letters that will get in your crawl..
Ever thought of fighting a nurse these 2 words and letters will get they party started... Yeah lock up the meds cart shut the MAR ... Now what did u just say??? Who has ever heard these fighting words and what did u do???
Comment below ur story

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The beginning

Hello fellow LPNs and other nurses this is a site to poke fun at Nursing Life and the struggles of the LOW PAID NURSE, I mean the Licensed practical nurse. and a little in my life as well, hopefully whats going on in your life as too!  lets have fun and make a cool SITE what is fun and interesting... something that anyone can add too and be proud of..
THIS SITE IS ANONOMUS.. you can add your name or handle. THERE WILL BE NO NAMING OF DIRECT PERSONS OR FACILITIES / CORPS. use fake names of places of employment. I will not have part in slander of A person, fellow nurse, or facility.